
Visit of Dr. Sabiha Anwar in the Blossoms School

Dr. Sabiha Anwar is a known Urdu writer and educationist. She has served as the Principal of Karamat Husain Muslim Girls P.G. College for 12 years and has been the head of Urdu Department of the same institution for 28 years. She is well known for her short stories. She has been felicitated with many awards including Yash Bharati Award for the year 2016-17 in Education and Literature. She has a great contribution in promotion of Urdu Language and empowerment of women.
Dr. Sabiha visited the school on 17th February, 2017 and addressed the children during morning assembly. She spoke about the vision of urdu in India and highlighted the fact that Urdu was born in India and is a part and parcel of our heritage. Speaking in Urdu, Dr. Anwar, shared her experiences as an educator and Principal. Her talk was heard with proper attention by the children and educator of the school.
Some of the pictures of the visit

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